August 22, 2021______________________________________________________________
Thank you to everyone who made our first Pancake Breakfast in over a year and a half a smashing success! We were able to reunite the Cathedral community after morning Mass over eggs, bacon, sausage, biscuits, a warm cup of coffee and of course pancakes! It was great seeing everyone’s smiling faces and watching the organic conversations develop across Burke Hall as old friends and new faces found time for fellowship. We look forward to hosting y’all again on Sunday 9/26 during the Cathedral Ministry Fair. We will see you there!
March 3, 2021 _____________________________________________________________
With the help and support of our Cathedral community and the STM School we were able to collect almost 3,500lbs for our Winter St. Lucy Project Food Drive!! To put that into perspective, we donated the weight of a Ford Escape or a Nissan Altima in food!
Even in the midst of a pandemic your generosity allowed us to achieve the same level of donations to the food insecure of the Arlington Diocese that we provided in 2018 and 2019! That’s amazing!
A special thank you to everyone who volunteered to workout with us and haul around this 1.75 tons of food. Without your manual labor none of this would have been possible and we appreciate you volunteering your time to help.
January 15, 2021 ____________________________________________________________
Thank you to everyone who made our KCIC Card Sales a success this year! With your support we were able to raise funds to support scholarships for Catholic Secondary Education. We greatly appreciate the hard work of our volunteers, especially KCIC Chairman George Stocker, PGK Ed Coleman, and PGK John Knox.
If you’re interested in purchasing cards next year please visit our Square Site starting in August 2021 to get a preview of what’s for sale-
October 6, 2020 _____________________________________________________________
Contact: Jackson Marsteller at
For immediate release:
Knights of Columbus St. Thomas More Cathedral Council Receives Top Award
The Star Council Award recognizes overall excellence in the areas of growing membership, promoting Knights of Columbus insurance benefits, sponsoring Catholic faith formation programs and volunteering time through service-oriented activities.
The Knights of the Cathedral Council provide support to almost every event in the Cathedral of St. Thomas More Parish as well as several Diocesan events. A few of the many events are the Parish Oktoberfest, the Fall and Winter Food Drives, the March for Life, and the monthly Pancake Breakfast. The Knights also serve in many of the parish ministries and help facilitate every major religious event at the Cathedral. Over the past three years of Grand Knight Ed Coleman’s leadership, the Council has raised more than $25,000 to support Parish Projects like the refurbishing of the Christ the King Statue, new patens and ciboria for Mass and winter coats for children in need.
On top of its Charitable works, the Cathedral Council offers opportunities for families to participate through events like our annual Christmas Party and monthly pancake breakfasts at the parish. The Council also gives youth the chance to grow in their faith and leadership through many activities such as support and training at the Diocesan Work Camp, financially supporting retreats and providing scholarships for education. As incoming Grand Knight Jackson Marsteller put it, “The Cathedral Council will continue to build upon our past successes as we work towards supporting the Cathedral of Saint Thomas More and helping our Arlington community during these adverse times.”
About the Knights of Columbus
The Knights of Columbus is one of the world’s leading fraternal and service organizations with 2 million members in more than 16,000 parish-based councils. During the past year, Knights around the world donated more than 77 million service hours and $187 million for worthy causes in their communities. The organization also provides financial services to groups and individuals, resulting in more than $112 billion of life insurance in force, and through its money management firm, Knights of Columbus Asset Advisors, it invests in accord with Catholic social teachings. From helping children in need, to providing wheelchairs for the disabled, to helping stock food banks, to offering top-rated and affordable insurance products to its members, the Knights of Columbus has supported families and communities for more than 138 years.
Membership in the Knights of Columbus is open to men 18 years of age or older who are practical (that is, practicing) Catholics in union with the Holy See. For information on joining the Knights of Columbus contact local Membership Director Darek Kitlinski at or visit .
September 27, 2020__________________________________________________________
Fall Food Drive Update- The Knights of Columbus Cathedral Council in conjunction with the Cathedral of Saint Thomas More collected more than 1,000lbs of food to donate to the Saint Lucy Project. The Fall Food Drive was held during the Fall Bash (this year’s Covid replacement for the Parish Oktoberfest) and that weekend’s Masses. The Knights are still collecting food for the next two weekends for those who we’re able to attend and still want to donate.